I can't believe how quickly the summer has flown by. The girls started school last week and Gus already caught his first cold of the season. Cherries, apricots, and now peaches being processed and eaten, apples still to come. Yaks back up at the house (too soon!) after consuming all of their summer pasture. Two goats to get rid of before winter- one great-looking Boer buck for sale, the whether to eat. And work is going great! It has been a fun summer, and I am sorry to see it come to an end. But fall is in the air, cooler days and mornings especially, as well as some much needed rain. If we only had all the hay we needed for the winter I would enjoy it even more! The little chicks are big enough to go out and about with the big ones, and will soon start laying. Buck has been a great addition, the alpacas really like him, and we do too. The girls love having him do chores with us and laugh at him racing alongside the 4-wheeler. In another week we leave for our annual trek to the beach, and everyone is looking forward to it. We will spend a couple days on the front end in Phoenix, and Gus will celebrate his 2nd birthday at Nana's house. Winnie has been training Annabelle the calf, and would like to show her this winter. That will be a new activity for us. Change is in the air!